
  • New Fidelity Pointwise release - 2023.2

    New Pointwise V2023.2 is out. Pease contact us to obtain installation packages. 
    Since V2022 release FlexNet  license is required to run Pointwise.
    Improvements in Pointwise V18.5 include:

    • Upgraded supported version of several CAD formats: Catia V5, ProE/Creo (.prt, .asm), ProE (.neu), SolidWorks, Parasolid (x_t, xmt_txt, x_b) UG/NX (.prt)
    • Added ability to specify the AVMesh version to be used for Kestrel export.
    • Updated the JRE installers to use Java version 11.0.18+10.
    • Improvements were made to T-Rex performance by multi-threading several time- intensive operations and employing collision prediction. Collision prediction estimates the distance at which collisions are likely to occur and disables collision checks until the advancing front approaches the estimated collision distance. On average, these improvements result in a 2-3X speed up for the T-Rex portion of unstructured block initialization for large meshes. Collision prediction can be toggled on/off from the Advanced frame on the T-Rex tab and can be combined with Layer Subdivisions greater than 1 for an additional boost in speedup.
    • Database shell entities (faceted geometry) were augmented to use an optional compressed form. Compression can save up to 400% in memory usage and asimilar reduction in project file size. Loading project files with large compressed shell entities is also much faster.
    • Added new User Specified option for the Center parameter of Automatic Volume Mesh. When selected, the extents of the farfield are drawn relative to the prescribed center point.
    • A new Volume Condition examine metric which colors volume cells by their assigned CAE volume condition.
    • Assisted Quilt Assembly was updated to automatically detect boundary curves created using the Trim by Surfaces and Trim by Curves commands.
    • Automatic Surface Mesh was updated to scale the number of subdivisions for forced mapping filters using the prescribed refinement factor.

    System requirements:

    • Windows (64-bit): L Windows 10 Windows 11 , Intel AMD
    • Linux (64-bit): CentOS 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.4, SUSE Enterprise Linux Desktop 12.3,  Ubuntu Desktop 16.04, Intel AMD
    • macOS (64-bit): macOS 10.14, macOS 10.15 macOS 11, macOS 12, macOS 13, Intel and ARM 1


    • 16 GB RAM (64 GB recommended)
    • 2 GB disk space (512 GB recommended)
    • Ethernet card
    • OpenGL compatible monitor with at least 1280x1024 screen resolution (up to 4K)
    • Dedicated professional graphics card supporting 3D hardware- accelerated OpenGL and 24-bit RGB double-buffering OpenGL 2.0 or higher
    • Up-to-date graphics card drivers
  • New FieldView release - 2023

    The new release of FieldView is out (Fieldview 2023). Installation guide and system requirements for Fieldview 2023 can be found here. Improvements in of the new release include simplified data input workflows and restart menus, improvements to the Auto Partitioner and more. 

  • New EPPIC release - 3.1.0-110

    Version 3.1.0 (build 110) of the EPPIC pre- and post-processing application is available for download.
    The focus of this current EPPIC release is on improving its efficiency and introducing additional post-processing tools:

    • Streamlines A new post-processing feature has been added to EZAir's post-processing module. Users can now visualize the flow's streamlines.
    • Unstructured BC Display Arion post-processing module can read CGNS plot files. This is a work-in-progress feature, currently only display of boundary surfaces can be created.

    The files are avalilable for download from our website in the EPPIC download secion.

    This release requires an RLM license, floating or node-locked, EPPIC RLM package is available for download along with EPPIC.
    License requests  should be sent to, including type of the licnese and RLM hostid.

  • New EZAir update - 5.23

    A new EZAir update is available for download.

    This release contains accumulated bug fixes:

    In addition, a new boundary condition has been added where pressure can be specified at an inlet: pressure.inlet
    Usage: pressure.inlet #pressure_value

    Do take the time to go over the "-new" option and check all the changes, note any changes in default values of parameters.

    Note that the updated manual is included in the distribution. Please circulate between the users.

    The files are available for download from our website or in your upload facilities.

    Log-in is required to acquire access to the files.

    The download is located in the private files section.

    Do not forget to log-out if accessing from a public computer.

  • New Arion update - 2.2

    Version 2.2 (build 700-1046-gd14283f)  of the unstructured flow solver Arion is available for download.


    This update includes a correction to Nichols/autiomatic wall functions and up-to-date manual. 

    Please refer to the command-line help for additional information.
    DOF-related example input directives can be found in following link
    The relevant files are available for download from our website on the Arion downloads page.


  • EZOpt video tutorials are available online

    EZOpt tutorials, with voice-over, are now available online.
    The tutorials can be accessed using the link:

    We are currently working on a release that will include support for Matlab and Python.

    Trial licenses can be requested by contacting Yakov Mindelis Yakov Mindelis  (this is the contact info for all additional license related matters).
