Media Gallery
CFD Simulation of flow in the Wake of a Propeller
Rotating and Deforming Wing
XLES Simulation of Vortex Shedding behind a Cylinder
Dynamic Aeroelasticity
EZOpt tutorials
This tutorial covers the use of the Python Scri
This EZOPt tutorial covers the use input and output files to communicate with external programs.
This video shows basic functions of EZOpt
Example with supporting script that calls a python program
Creation of EZOpt workflow to optimize Poloni's function, and visualizing it's Pareto Front
Maximum Included Angle Minimization Using Pointwise Node in EZOpt
Example of Parallel Coordinates usage in EZOpt
EPPIC tutorials
This EPPIC Tutorial introduces the EPPIC program, it's basic features and user interface.
This EPPIC tutorial is an introduction to zones and bodies.
This EPPIC tutorial goes through the process of defining different boundary conditions.
This EPPIC tutorial covers envelopes and phantoms.
This EPPIC tutorial covers force overlaps.
This EPPIC tutorial covers the basics of post processing
This EPPIC tutorial covers cell classification and orphan points.
The epic tutorial outlines the steps required to create surfaces.
This eppic tutorial will cover the use of the transformation tool kit.